Thursday, August 23, 2007

Learning to Be

It's been years since my poetry was about beauty and not bitterness - so now I don't mind sharing. This is an expression of how I experienced God one evening and really appreciated what he's given us. I needed a touch from God so badly, and suddenly I felt his presence, then it was as if all the beauty around me jumped out at me, and God was saying, "Look at this! I made this for you!"

"Learning to Be"

I waited here to see you,
Certain you'd not disappoint.
And all the while my doubts and fears,
Overcame this heart of mine.

A wind, then, swept over me,
A voice echoed through me.
I knew somehow you'd come -
If I'd only just be still.

I saw you dancing with the trees,
Shining with the evening sun.
I almost cried for you,
Tears of utter joy and desire.

You saw my desperate longing,
And rushed by in the crystal stream.
My mind is overwhelmed now;
How powerless am I.

I saw you in the flowers,
Radiating life and joy.
I heard you in so many sounds.
Your voice so subtle and yet so loud.

Life was all around me then,
The truth I certainly cannot deny.
I've waited to see heaven,
And in this moment, heaven is here.


Annie said...

I liked this poem. I wrote some poetry in high school, and wrote one with much the same theme. One of seeing God's love for us in what He made. Good stuff.

Liv said...

You have a beautiful insight of Jesus Christ.

You write lovely. Post more =]