Friday, January 04, 2008


I find that change can be overwhelming... every single time. You'd think a person like me would get used to change after the 15th move or something like that. Anyway, I'm happy to be in a new city, happy to be living on my own again and supporting myself. I didn't know what to expect when I came to Kitchener, but I've decided that I'm really going to like it - it's necessity as much as the city itself that made me decide to like it.

As much as I like it here, though, there's so much to do. The first few days have gotten away from me so quickly I can hardly believe it. But at the same time, I think I've really accomplished some things. For example, I walked a lot and got familiar with my area as well as downtown... and on my travels I found an employment agency and I already have a full-time job. I got a bus pass, I picked up a lot of things for my place, including a bar fridge and microwave. I brought the appliances home in a handi-cab which charged me a lot extra just because I had those items, even though I was able to easily lift them by myself. I unpacked my beautiful stainless steel fridge and was horrified to find that the stainless steel is so damaged it looks like crumpled tin foil.

I went to the Superstore (same place that sold me the tin foil fridge) to buy a few things today and kept going in circles and getting lost and not finding what I needed. I'd walk for a mile and see nothing but pop and chips when I was looking for tea towels. Then I tried to buy cereal and it was an endless wall of colorful boxes - I've seen grocery stores with the same shelf space as that cereal aisle. I got looking at sweaters and dress shirts for work and forgot that I had frozen food melting in my basket. I went into the pharmacy section of the store to look at medicated shampoo for scalp problems. Beside the shampoo was some sort of medicated lotion or something that was stronger than the shampoo - I was curious to know how it was used. On the back, it said 'see interior for complete directions'. At this point, I was tired of shopping and didn't feel like figuring out how I was going to look at the interior of an opaque plastic bottle. I put it down and walked away. I paid for my groceries. I'm tired and I still own a tin foil fridge. So ends my first week in Kitchener.


Autumn said...


I'm glad that you're enjoying Kitchener so far. Change can definitely be hard at times, but it looks like you're handling everything well. That's really unfortunate to hear about your tin foil fridge though:( Hopefully something like that doesn't happen again lol. That's awesome that you already have a full time job! I hope it's a good job and that you're able to catch on to everything really quickly:) Take Care!

Annie said...

Can't you take your tin foil fridge back?? Yikes! What an adventure. My head was spinning. Life will setle down - it might take a month or so though. Good for you for stepping out!